Kamis, 20 November 2014


1. STMJ ( Susu: Milk , Telur: Egg , Madu: Honey , Jahe: Ginger )

Drink made from milk, eggs, honey, and ginger is certainly is not foreign to you. Drink this drink when you feel sluggish, tired and unwell. Drinking STMJ believed to restore energy, increase immunity and warms your body.


2. Wedang Jahe

Ginger or ginger warm water is apt consumed when the immune system decreases, especially during the rainy season where our body is quite susceptible to various diseases such as the flu. In addition, ginger drink can help lower cholesterol levels, prevent a potential stroke, to the risk of heart attack.



3. Wedang Ronde

Wedang ronde is similar to ginger, but offers a different sensation. Wedang ronde is a blend of ginger with glutinous balls consisting of beans and sugar. Glutinous rice balls is quite chewy and tastes good. The beans are found in the sticky balls also offers a myriad of nutrients that are good for the body, thus consuming wedang ronde especially when the body is less fit is the right step.


4. Bandrek

Traditional hot drink native West Java also offers many health benefits. Just like any other traditional beverages, bandrek quite effective in warming the body. From the ingredients alone, we know that bandrek is rich beverage benefits. Bandrek offers the fragrance of spices, consisting of cinnamon, lemongrass, clove, pandan, added sugar and a little salt.

 5. Bajigur

Another of West Java traditional drink is bajigur. Bajigur are warm drink made from coconut milk, palm sugar, salt, and a little ginger. Sometimes, the presentation bandrek usually also coupled with a little cengkaleng (to and fro). Bajigur very suitable enjoyed when the weather is cold. Boiled peanuts, boiled bananas, and sweet potatoes are 'snack' right to accompany you while enjoying bajigur.

6. Wedang Secang

Wedang cup of ginger water is mixed with the wooden cup. This drink is healthy and has a sweet taste and makes the throat is warm.


7. Beer pletok

Beer pletok, we may never hear or often hear the term Beer pletok. Beer pletok is one typical drink of ethnic Betawi. Pletok Beer is made from herbs grown plants that grow in this country. Pletok Beer is actually refreshing and keep warm. Besides it can be used as a thirst-quenching when the stone plus es.Bir pletok why named Beer, beer pletok Once emerged from the Betawi people gedongan that many Dutch people hanging out together. They often look at the ways and habits of the Dutch people who drink beer pletok main bir.Bahan plus cardamom ginger, lemongrass, cinnamon, wooden cup for red color, and sugar. To generate steady pletok Beer in perlkukah Elephant Ginger is old. If you want more HOT feels in use Red Ginger is more tasteless spicy - iindonesian.blogspot.com

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