Jumat, 21 November 2014

Coffee - INDONESIAN taste which has worldwide

iindonesian.blogspot.com - Indonesia has a wide range of culinary types to be proud of. One of them is serving a wide variety of coffee drinks. Even some kinds of Indonesian coffee is widely known and consumed by the world community. The following are some of the kinds of coffee ORIGINAL INDONESIA famous on the world stage


The brewed coffee that wheezes "Josss" when put hot coals can be found in almost every angkringan Yogyakarta. Charcoal itself has the function of reducing the coffee grounds and improve the aroma. Even the coffee is starting charcoal targeted another world because of its uniqueness as a binder of toxins and pollutants.


Lampung Coffee - Assorted Fruit Flavor

Habits of the people of Lampung to enjoy coffee by mixing 2 durian seeds into coffee, capable of delivering instant coffee created with a variety of fruit flavors. This unique instant coffee now glimpsed the world as it is made from natural ingredients Lampung Robusta coffee mixture and real fruit extracts which have high sales value due to the taste and usefulness.

Sigarar Utang Coffee - North Tapanuli

Coffee is native to Indonesia's debt Sigarar Starbuck recognized in Washington DC, USA, as the world's best coffee and is sold under the name "Starbucks Black Apron Exclusive". The aroma of cocoa, tobacco, and soil that sticks to the tongue so the flavors of the unique number that makes this coffee so coveted the world.

Luwak Coffee - The Best in the World

Luwak Coffee Indonesia targeted by the world because of its unique taste is very rare and priced success as the most expensive coffee prices. It was mentioned very exotic with aromas of caramel and cocoa. Moreover, the manufacturing process is also uniquely derived from the disposal of animal Luwak come into its own selling points.

Java Coffee - The most Famous Coffee in the World

Java Coffee or "Java" This had a distinctive smell sweet and soft woods. Because of the unique and famous, if not bizarre slang term for coffee out there is a "Java". Legendary type of Arabica coffee has long been so coveted world as a unique blend of taste and not found elsewhere.


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