Kamis, 20 November 2014

Military Parachute of Malaysia made in Ngunut - Tulungagung - Indonesia

iindonesian.blogspot.com - Factory CV. Maju Mapan, appliance manufacturers of military equipment such as parachutes, tents, the army / Tent Shelter helicopters, and other military equipment. The factory location is located on Jl. 1/26 Raya Subdistrict Village Ngunut Ngunut, Tulungagung, East Java, about 3-4 hours drive from Malang or 30 minutes from the center of Tulungagung.

At first glance, nothing that stands out from the factory. Equipment was, despite relatively good, it does not look like a big company 'style advanced equipment owned conglomerate or multinational companies. But you know, that's where about 2000 chute that will be used by the Army in the King of Malaysia produced? Yes, although impressed Ndesani, with a somewhat remote location of the factory at the corner of Tulungagung, besides being suppliers subscription army and police, CV. Maju Mapan trusted by the Minister of Defence of Malaysia to manufacture military parachutes for the neighboring country.
The company's main production is now the Air Parachute People (PUO) Main MC1-1C that have been tested and certified from the Army Research and Development (AD) and the Air Force Research and Development (AU).

Parachute Made in Ngunut was named Garuda 1-P and reportedly has met the standards for the use and safety of using primary materials and high quality standards. According to company data, in order to maintain the quality of the process of making military equipment was also monitored and controlled by the experts from the military.

The main air parachute canopy Garuda 1-P diameter of 35 feet, while the parabolic shape of the main air reserve parachute 24 feet with a flat circular shape. Parachute Garuda 1-P has a lifetime (maximum in years) 12 years, the amount of disposable flip 100 times, the maximum shelf life of 16.5 years. Garuda 1-P can carry loads up to 130 kg, the ability to rotate 360 degrees 7-8 seconds, speed forward / down 4-5 meters / sec, a minimum altitude of 1500 feet.

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