Kamis, 31 Juli 2014

Kalimantan Indonesia is beautiful place

iindonesian.blogspot.com - Kalimantan berasal dari nama kelamantan sejenis buah sagu yang dikonsumsi penduduk di utara pulau ini. Menurut dari C.Hose dan Mac Dougall, nama "Kalimantan" berasal dari 6 golongan suku-suku setempat yakni Dayak Laut (Iban), Kayan, Kenya, Klemantan, Munut, dan Punan. Dalam karangannya, Natural Man, a Record from Borneo (1926), C Hose menjelaskan bahwa Klemantan adalah nama baru yang digunakan oleh bangsa Melayu. Namun menurut Slamet Muljana, kata Kalimantan bukan kata Melayu asli tapi kata pinzaman sebagai halnya kata Malaya, melayu yang berasal dari India (malaya yang berarti gunung).

Kalimantan atau Klemantan berasal dari bahasa Sanksekerta, Kalamanthana yaitu pulau yang udaranya sangat panas atau membakar (kal[a]: musim, waktu dan manthan[a]: membakar). Karena vokal a pada kala dan manthana menurut kebiasaan tidak diucapkan, maka Kalamanthana diucap Kalmantan yang kemudian disebut penduduk asli Klemantan atau Quallamontan yang akhirnya diturunkan menjadi Kalimantan. Terdapat tiga kerajaan besar (induk) di pulau ini yaitu Borneo (Brunei/Barune), Succadana (Tanjungpura/Bakulapura), dan Banjarmasinn (Nusa Kencana). Penduduk kawasan timur pulau ini menyebutnya Pulu K'lemantan, orang Italia mengenalnya Calemantan dan orang Ukraina : Калімантан.
Jika ditilik dari bahasa Jawa, nama Kalimantan dapat berarti "Sungai Intan".
so much beauty that you will see if you come to Borneo. Starting from a variety of indigenous languages​​, clothes and local art traditional art that you will not encounter anywhere.
Kalimantan has abundant natural resources, ranging from mining, forest and marine areas are beautiful. one of the tourist destinations of interest to you.

Rabu, 30 Juli 2014

Inilah Indonesia



iindonesian.blogspot.com - Indonesia it is a country in Southeast Asia and Oceania.is an archipelago comprising at around 17,000 islands. It has 33 provinces with over 230 million people.

The lie along the equator and extend more than 5.000 kilometers. Many of the islands cover only a few kilometers. But about a half of New Guinea and three quarters of Borneo also belong to Indonesia. Both islands are the second and-third largest islands in the world, after Greenland.
Many geographers divide the islands of  indonesia into three groups:  (1) the Greater Sunda Islands, (2) the lesser Sunda Islands, and (3) the Mollucas. Indonesia also includes Papua, which is part of New Guinea.
The Greater Sunda includes Borneo, Sulawesi, Java and Sumatera. The Lesser Sunda Islands extend from Bali eastward to the Timor. The mollucas lie betwen Sulawesi and New Guinea. The western part of New Guinea is called Papua, an Indonesian territory. Compared to the other regions, Papua is the most thinly populated.
Indonesia has many of regional languages.  Indonesia also has a lot of culture such as traditional dances of each region, traditional musical instruments, custom homes each area and much more.
a variety of uniqueness and richness of Indonesia's need to know the world. many people out there who have not know Indonesia, where Indonesia, such as whether it is Indonesia.
One of the famous places in Indonesia is the island of BALI. BALI is a tourist spot known enough in the world for its beautiful beaches. but many do not know that it is one of the BALI island in Indonesia, BALI is located in Indonesia. BALI IS INDONESIA.

With natural resources, strategic geographical location should make Indonesia become rich place.
through this blog you will find various things in Indonesia, various information and privileges Indonesia. In order for the world to know .. this is Indonesia !! beautiful land !! 

Indonesian country